Thursday, October 27, 2005

Breathing Lessons

Rolling around in Ol' Betsy today with two girls and Rob, we began to sing some of our favorites. We started with "I Love You, Lord" and went down the line . . ."What a Mighty God We Serve" . . ."The Sacrifice of Praise" . . . we sang for some 30 minutes.  Then I began to share with the girls about the great pleasure God must feel while we are praising Him.  He doesn't hear the catch in our voices sometimes or the times we are off-key.  He hears the love we have for Him in each note.  I imagine that He inclines His head toward us and smiles ever so gently.  His children are singing.

Parents do that, you know.  When we hear our children sing or play, we tune in.  A smile creeps across our face and we hear sweet melody.  For a moment we stop what we are doing to listen to those sweet voices.  You know you've done it if you are a parent.  I can see our Father doing it as well.  He longs for us to praise Him, to communicate with Him. 

So many of the Psalms a dedicated to the praise of the Lord.  You can step into the Psalms at nearly any place and find King David singing His praises.  He even says the everything that has breath should praise the Lord.

Psa 150:6 Let every thing that has breath praise the LORD.

With every breath we breathe in, we need to breathe in His presence and every breathe out should be in praise for His lovingkindness.

It isn't always easy to remember to do that.  We get caught up in the business of the day, our likes and dislikes, the bit of anger we have at a loved one or co-worker and we forget Who is really in control.  Our peace and joy fly out the window.  When that happens, it's an easy matter to just take a breath.  Breathe in God and breathe out praise.

You can be back on track in an instant.  Your Father is waiting.  He loves to hear from His kids.

Be blessed in Him,

